Enrol Your Child

Enrolment for places in Scoil Choilm CNS normally commences in October of the year prior to your child starting school.  It is school policy that we do not keep waiting lists outside of the coming school year.  This is to facilitate everyone and give equal opportunities to all members of our local community.

From October, Scoil Choilm CNS will accept applications for pupils from Junior Infants to 6th Class for the coming academic year.  Scoil Choilm CNS is a four stream school with a capacity to allocate places for 120 Junior Infants each year.

Should you wish to apply for a place for your child in our school, please read our Admission Policy below.

If you would like an application form, please call to the school offices or click on the link below.

Scoil Choilm CNS Application Form

Scoil Choilm CNS Admission Policy

Scoil Choilm Annual Admissions Statement

Scoil Choilim CNS Safeguarding Statement