Welcome to the Parent Teacher Association Section

Welcome to the Parent’s section.

Scoil Choilm Parents’ Association is made up of all parents in the school, and works to improve every child’s learning experience in our school. The association is a great way for parents to get involved in school life. Scoil Choilm is proud to have an active Parents’ Association Committee of elected parents which meets regularly.

Our mission is to work with all parents towards the best possible education for our children. With the help of volunteers, the association

– supports the school through fundraising

– promotes active parental involvement in the childrens’ education.

“Educational research on the involvement of parents in schools shows that children achieve better outcomes when parents and teachers work together.” (National Parents Council)

Our activities include:

organising fundraising efforts such as school photos and the annual raffle
Irish language lessons and cultural classes
helping to host Community Day
organising expert speakers to give talk to parents on various subject
The association is also involved in the review of school policies.

Members of the committee make themselves available to parents at school coffee mornings to answer queries and gather feedback.

Would you like to help out as a volunteer? Do you have a great idea? Are you a subject matter expert who could give a talk to parents?

Please email us at scoilchoilmpa@gmail.com.

For a list of the current committee members and our constitution, please check the parents’ noticeboard in the junior school reception or send us an email at scoilchoilmpa@gmail.com.

For more news about what’s happening in our school:
Link to school blog – http://scoilchoilmcns.scoilnet.ie/blog/

The National Parents Council (NPC) is an excellent resource to you as a parent. The NPC website contains a wealth of information and free online training courses. The helpline: 01 887 4477

For more information about the role of the Parents’ Association, go to www.npc.ie and check out the information leaflet “What is a Parent Association?”

We look forward to your contribution and to welcoming you to any of our activities.

Join us to make Scoil Choilm the best it can be for our children!