Vision and Mission Statement

Scoil Choilm Community National School is a caring learning environment where each child is welcomed, respected, cherished and facilitated in reaching their full potential whatever their background, nationality or faith.

Scoil Choilm CNS is a learning community where children’s learning is paramount. Staff, parents and community members share in the educational development of the pupils in ways which are both stimulating and appropriate to the needs of the children in our school.

Scoil Choilm Community National School seeks to ensure that all members of the school community work in partnership, having the best interest of pupils at heart and for the development of the whole community.

Our schools are state, co-educational, multi- denominational, inclusive, learner-centred, and community-focused and are underpinned by our five ETB core values of, Excellence in Education, Care, Equality, Community and Respect.

You can learn more about our ETB Ethos on our website

CNS Guiding Principles

  • The Community National Schools operate within the regulations as laid down by the Department of Education & Skills.  The schools follow the primary school curriculum prescribed by the Department of Education & Skills
  • The on-going internal monitoring by principal and staff is supported through the external evaluation by the Department of Education & Skills Inspectorate.   
  • It is the policy of the Community National Schools to respect, celebrate and recognise diversity in all areas of human life.
  • The schools aim to promote the full and harmonious development of all aspects of the child:  intellectual, physical, cultural, moral and spiritual.
  • The Community National Schools seek to provide a high standard of education where each child is encouraged to reach his/her personal potential. 
  • The schools are committed to a spirit of inclusion, equality and harmony where each child and member of the school community is valued and treated with respect.
  • Children attending the Community National Schools will be taught and encouraged to view diversity as something which reflects the community from which the children are drawn.
  • The school will endeavour to encourage the children committed to its care to have a pride in what makes them different and a belief that difference, when respected and valued, gives strength and vibrancy to the total school community and the wider community in which they live.
  • Community National Schools are governed by a Board of Management. The board of management will be committed to the successful implementation of recent legislation, in particular the Education Act, 1998, the Education Welfare Act 2000 and the equal Status Act 2000.
  • The board of management fully subscribes to the principles of partnership, accountability, transparency, inclusion and respect for diversity, parental choice and equality.
  • Parents are seen as the prime players in the education of their children. In discharging the role of professional education providers, delegated to them by parents, the schools will always seek to discharge their responsibility in partnership with parents. Towards this end, the school will always seek to keep parents fully briefed on their child’s educational development and to guide parents in the most effective way of collaborating with the school.