Whole School Evaluation
Outcomes from our Whole School Evaluation
During the first term of the 2019/2020 academic year our school engaged in a Whole School Evaluation. A team of inspectors from the Department of Education and Skills visited our school and looked at school management, teaching and learning and the children’s experience of school. We were delighted with the outcomes of the evaluation and the high level of praise bestowed upon the school by the Department of Education. Some of the feedback from our WSE report is outlined below:
Ø Students were ‘polite, courteous and welcoming’ and were ‘highly motivated’
Ø ‘The quality of leadership and management at all levels is outstanding’
Ø ‘School planning is of an extremely high standard’
Ø ‘Exemplary practice’ was observed when assessing the quality of teaching
Ø ‘Exemplary practice’ was observed regarding the quality of support for pupils
Ø ‘The Board of Management operates in a highly effective manner’
Ø The principal provides ‘strong and purposeful leadership’ with a ‘clear vision’
Ø ‘Extremely effective structures support a culture of continuous improvement’
Ø ‘The building is maintained to an exceptionally high standard’
Ø ‘Exemplary practice in support for pupils with special educational needs was observed’
The school is committed to working on the following three recommendations which were outlined in the report:
Ø Continuing the development of active learning in the classroom
Ø Greater emphasis to be placed on summative assessment
Ø Further challenging our higher achievers in their learning
We would like to thank the school community for all their support, participation and kindness during our WSE. We are extremely proud of our pupils, parents, staff and the outcomes of our Whole school Evaluation. Because our school got on so well in the WSE our patron has put together a short summary video to celebrate the school’s success.
This video is a summary of our WSE report and the excellent work that is taking place in our school. We are extremely proud of this report.